Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

A Study on Small & Medium Enterprise: Using Marketting Analytics in India from Logistics Perspective

Pramod Dasan

Abstract :

This paper aims to focus on the determinants influencing the internationalization of small and medium–sized enterprises (SMEs) in India. The objective is to investigate and evaluate the business environment and, then, examine the importance of developing and promoting entrepreneurship to allow SMEs in India to develop a competitive position in the international marketplace. An overview is provided of the current economic situation facing SMEs in India. Then factors necessary for the expansion of the business will be discussed, along with the challenges of overcoming the resource gaps to be identified. We have conducted empirical surveys along with the use of SPSS statistical tools to predict the potential of revenue growth in SME sector. Information is provided concerning the current situation for SMEs in India and the challenges encountered as they face a business environment that is becoming more competitive. We also found that SMEs are increasingly more integrated to global economy and not limited to regional/international activities. Quantitative analysis shows that there is significant potential for SME for next couple of year despite economic uncertainty. This paper integrates entrepreneurship, and the resource–based internationalization of SMEs in India, specifically focusing on the use of technology

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Pramod Dasan / A Study on Small & Medium Enterprise: Using Marketting Analytics in India from Logistics Perspective / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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