Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study on Sloping Agricultural Land Technology for Tribal Empowerment : With Special Reference to Jhadol and Kotra

Ms. Khushboo Ameta

Abstract :

 In India, agriculture contributes 40% to our country’s GNP and gives subsistence to 70% of our population but yet 1/3 of our total geographical area is drought –prone because we are dependent upon the monsoons which can be erratic. Drought–prone areas have to be provided water not only for human and cattle consumption but also for irrigation. Many times even after good monsoons water is not available only because of lack of proper management and storage.

The southern part of Rajasthan is a hilly, undulating, semi–arid, remote tribal region. With an area of 17,279sq km and population of over 2 million, the district of Udaipur is located in the southern part of the state.

Water Management is the cheapest and purest source of water is rain water. Harvesting of the water in pond, lakes, wells, tanks and reservoirs helps to preserve this water so that it can be put to varied uses later on.

The paper talks about Slopping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT).Salt is a package technology on soil conservation and food production. SALT integrates different soil conservation measures to increase ground water level of sloppy land.

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Ms. Khushboo Ameta A Study on Sloping Agricultural Land Technology for Tribal Empowerment : With Special Reference to Jhadol and Kotra Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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