Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

A Study on Self-esteem and Emotional Intelligence among Street Children

Khushboo Tripathi, U. V. Kiran

Abstract :


Self esteem can be defined as the way in which people perceives himself/ herself. It is a judgment of oneself as well as feelings toward the self. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to correctly understand, evaluate and communicate emotions. Individuals who can comprehend and direct their emotions are able to generally maintain a better view of life and go through better psychological well–being as compared to those who can’t. The present study was done to explore the relationship between self esteem and emotional intelligence among street children. The study was conducted with the sample size 80 street children (40 boys=40 girls) between the age group of 5–16 years. The study was conducted in some selected areas of Lucknow city. Self esteem was measured by Rosenberg’s Self–esteem Scale (RSES) and Emotional Intelligence was measured using Emotional Intelligence Scale EIS–sans. The data was analyzed by t–test, f test and correlation. Coefficient of correlation was used in order to find out the relationship between self esteem and emotional intelligence among street children and it was found that girls are more emotionally intelligent as compare to boys. Results indicated a positive correlation between self esteem and emotional intelligence. The study concluded that development of positive self esteem and emotional intelligence play a vital role in the life of street children.

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A Study on Self-esteem and Emotional Intelligence among Street Children , Khushboo Tripathi, U.V. Kiran , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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