Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Study on Scope for Development of Rural Tourism in Villages of Small Towns with Special Reference to Hailakandi District of Assam

Dr. Bidyut Jyoti Bhattacharjee

Abstract :

Rural tourism includes a range of activities, services and amenities provided by farmers and rural people to attract tourists to their area in order to generate extra income for their business. This type of tourism enhances the revenue of government of a country as well as earnings of the rural community. The government at present introduced four rural tourism projects at four resourceful villages of Assam. The present study makes an attempt to search the potentials that are available even in the villages of small towns of Assam with special reference to Hailakandi district. The study observed that the district is rich in its cultural, historical and natural beauty with Forts, temples, rivers and wet lands etc. There lies huge potential in the district to attract tourists from all around the world and if the spots are recognized by the Government and if needy steps are being taken with cooperation from the Ministry of Tourism and State Government then it could help in the development of the region.

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Dr. Bidyut Jyoti Bhattacharjee A Study on Scope for Development of Rural Tourism in Villages of Small Towns with Special Reference to Hailakandi District of Assam Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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