Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

A Study on Risk Management– Futures and Options at Indiainfoline Ltd Bangalore

Dr. K. Jayalakshmamma

Abstract :

A market is a place or mechanism which facilitates the transfer of resources from one entity to another. A financial market is an institution or arrangement that facilitates the exchange of financial instruments, like shares, debentures, loan etc. A market wherein financial instruments such as financial claims, assets and securities are traded is known as a ‘financial market’. Financial market transactions may take place either at a specific place or location, e.g. bank, stock exchange, or through other mechanisms such as telephone, telex, or other electronic media

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Dr. K. Jayalakshmamma A Study on Risk Management- Futures and Options at Indiainfoline Ltd Bangalore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VIII August 2013

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