Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Study on Performance of Regulated Agricultural Market in Coimbatore District–Tamilnadu–An Overview

Mrs. T. Sangeetha, Dr. G. Sakthivel

Abstract :

 The main motive of the Agricultural marketing and Agri business is to ensure the fair price to the farming com – modity scenario and the mission of achieving this is by enforcing the existing act and rules most effectively and also reducing pre and post harvest loses through appropriate methods and encourage value addition. Green Revolution for food grains production simultaneously, several initiatives have been taken to promote agricultural marketing in pivotal role in fostering and sustaining the tempo of rural economic development. Agri Business is a process, which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm commodity and it involves all including grading ,value addition, packaging, processing and transportation. The main purpose of forming regulated market is to eliminate the unhealthy trade practice, to reduce marketing expenses and to provide fair prices to the farmers. 

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Mrs. T. SANGEETHA,Dr. G. Sakthivel A Study on Performance of Regulated Agricultural Market in Coimbatore District-Tamilnadu-An Overview Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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