Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A Study on Overview of Financial Inclusion in India

Ms Apurva A. Chauhan

Abstract :

Financial inclusion refers to the delivery of financial services in a convenient manner and at an affordable cost to vast sections of disadvantaged and low income group population. Financial inclusion is the road that India needs to travel toward becoming a global player. The paper attempts to study the overview of financial inclusion in India. A comparison has been made between India and some other selected countries regarding no of anches, ATMs, bank credit etc to identify India’s position regarding financial inclusion as compared to other selected countries. It also attempts to know the various strategies adopted by RBI for strengthening the inclusion. The process of financial inclusion will not be possible without the contribution of banks so the paper includes the steps taken by banks to strengthen financial inclusion with the help of a case study of Axis bank. The paper also highlights challenges faced by India for strengthening financial inclusion.  

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Ms Apurva A. Chauhan A Study on Overview of Financial Inclusion in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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