Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

A Study on Organizational Climate and Employee Performance

C. Jegajothi, Dr. S. Sudha

Abstract :

 Organizations have become more challenging today. It is not for any particular organization but affects 

all the organization. Organizations are seeking to improve the performance and many organizations have 
realized that human resources are of advantage and sustaining of the organization for a long term. It is significant that 
work environment plays a positive role in exerting greater efforts from the employee. Thus positive work environment 
can be created with the help of organization climate intervention. Positive organizational climate motives the employees to perform well and rewards. 

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C.Jegajothi, Dr.S.Sudha A Study on Organizational Climate and Employee Performance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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