Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018


Diwakar Sahota, Bhawna Sahay

Abstract :

 The world is a noisy place. Seven days a week we are open to sounds we don’t need. There are very few places on earth where we do not get exposed to sounds or we are free from unwanted sounds. Outdoor sources of noise attack our heå as it raids our homes and workplaces like aircraft passing over our buildings, traffic. There are also noises from within the workplace like machines running in the office, ventilation systems, conversations happening in the next cubicle. Noise in the classrooms obstruct the learning process and ruins the educational experience. It can also result as a health hazard and can cause permanent heå loss. In order to control noise problems in our built environment, we need to understand, learn the basics of noise control and know how to apply solutions to new or remodelled building

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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A STUDY ON NOISE CONTROL IN BUILDINGS , Diwakar Sahota, Bhawna Sahay , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8|Issue-12| December-2018

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