Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A Study on Neurotic Tendencies Among Working Women

Dr. I. Maria Yesuraja, Mrs. Ligy Raphy

Abstract :

Women are considered as the supporting pillar of a family, which is the most basic unit of a society. From time immemorial women are confined in their homes and they did not have a role to play in the ead winning process of the family. The present scenario has undergone a dramatic change, as women are homemakers as well as eadwinners. This dual role makes them vulnerable to certain mild psychological issues due to lack of adjustments. The universe of the study includes respondents working as teachers and women in clerical jobs who belong to the Trissur district in Kerala. The researchers used Lottery method in random sampling and 60 samples were selected. The tool for data collection was Questionnaire. The major finding is that majority of the working women exhibited mild psychological issues like Anxiety, OCD and Phobia.

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Dr. I. Maria Yesuraja, Mrs. Ligy Raphy A Study on Neurotic Tendencies Among Working Women Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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