Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

A study on morbidity pattern and treatment seeking behavior of women regarding Reproductive Tract Infections

Dr. Bhavana Pandey, Dr. Y. D. Badgaiyan, Dr Manu Apurb

Abstract :

 Objectives: 1.To study morbidity pattern and treatment seeking behavior of women regarding RTIs. 2. To know factors affecting treatment seeking behavior of women regarding RTIs. Methodology: An institution based descriptive cross–sectional study in which 150 ever married women of age group 15–49 years were included. Data were collected in predesigned and pretested questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using Epi–info software. Results: Among women with RTIs symptoms about 22% of women had not taken any type of treatment and most common reason for not taking treatment was lack of knowledge (40%). Place of Residence, level of education and socioeconomic class had factors which significantly associated (p<0.05) with decision of women for not taking treatment of RTIs. Conclusions: Socio–demographic factors have significant impact on decision of taking treatment for RTIs. Due to lack of knowledge and awareness regarding RTIs, large proportion of women with RTI symptoms did not take any treatment.

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Dr. Bhavana Pandey, Dr. Y.D. Badgaiyan, Dr Manu Apurb A study on morbidity pattern and treatment seeking behavior of women regarding Reproductive Tract Infections Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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