Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

A Study on Mens Preference Towards Fairness Cream and Factors Influencing the Purchase Behaviour

Anand Shankar Raja. M, T. Mahesh Kumar

Abstract :

Most men in India want fair clear skin though there is nothing like that which makes only fair skinned people attractive or smart? Even many dusky toned skins look far more attractive and glamorous than the lighter skinned ones. Still there is a craze here to lighten skin tone and that is why companies come up with different fairness creams, lotions. Every product is tagged or claims to do something to lighten your complexion further. Don’t know whether they actually work or not, but the extent till consumers want to use these products says a lot. This thirst of men towards fairness cream has created a great demand and has motivated many FMCG firms to produce fairness cream for men.”Confidence comes from education. It comes from a sense of accomplishment. Its stupid to think that creams will make one confident, but still various factors influence young men towards the usage of fairness creams. The study aims in finding out the preference level of men towards fairness cream and the factors motivating them to purchase such cream. A pilot study was conducted initially and changes were in corporated.Valid tools were used in the study to find out apt results.

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ANAND SHANKAR RAJA. M, T. MAHESH KUMAR A Study on Mens Preference Towards Fairness Cream and Factors Influencing the Purchase Behaviour Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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