Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

A Study on Leadership Behavior of Heads of Colleges of Education of Bangalore District

Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy A. Surapuramath

Abstract :

The study on Leadership behaviour of heads of Colleges of Education in Bangalore District has been dealt with in this paper. The Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire used for data collection. ‘t–test’ technique was adopted for data analysis. The aided college heads leadership behaviour better than unaided college heads leadership behaviour and urban college heads leadership behavior better than rural college heads leadership behaviour. The male leadership behaviour better than female leadership behaviour and PhD holders leadership behaviour better than postgraduates leadership behaviour.

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Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy A. Surapuramath / A Study on Leadership Behavior of Heads of Colleges of Education of Bangalore District / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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