Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

A Study on Influence of Pedagogical Effectiveness on Academic Achievement of Students of B Schools

Dr. Viral Shilu

Abstract :

Broadening our view of teaching means that we no longer can think of teaching as only subject–matter expertise plus generic methods, we know that effective teaching is also a matter of transforming our knowledge of a subject in ways that promote student understanding and learning. The present study highlights the influence of teaching pedagogy used by faculty members of management institutes affiliated to Gujarat Technological University over the academic performance of students. Traditional way to teach students through lecture method is definitely essential for shå knowledge. However, blending modern teaching pedagogy like case method and computer aided teaching with lecture method will enrich the experience of students to imbibe the theoretical as well as practical concepts of academic knowledge effectively.

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Dr. Viral Shilu A Study on Influence of Pedagogical Effectiveness on Academic Achievement of Students of B Schools Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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