Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

A study on Importance of Event Management in the current Scenario

Dr. Vinay Raj R

Abstract :

 Good planning is a continuous process and good plans should be adaptable and flexible – they require a solid foundation and a straight forward structure. Organising a sport or recreation event can be a daunting task, particularly for an individual or committee planning an event for the first time. While the scale of the events varies dramatically, the principles of event management essentially remain the same. In planning an event it is important to understand why the event is being held, who it is for and who it will benefit. Having a clear focus and defined objectives will help direct the planning process. When and where an event takes place can have a significant impact on its overall success. When considering the best time of the day, month or year to hold an event, it is important to consider other events that may compliment or compete with the event you are organising. With regard to location, there are many variables to consider, including the availability of facilities, accommodation, transport, and the support of local stakeholders. In many cases it is useful to establish an organising committee and clearly assign roles and responsibilities to committee members. There should be an event manager appointed who has overall control of the event and is ultimately responsible for the major decisions and directions of the committee.

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Dr. Vinay Raj R, A study on Importance of Event Management in the current Scenario, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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