Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

A Study on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Companies Act on Business and Society

Prem Sundar. M

Abstract :

 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the ‘relationship between corporation and the society in which it operates’. Many big Indian companies have implemented CSR activities as part of their business on their own. Indian government, through Companies act –2013 has implemented a new CSR guideline which requires companies to spend 2% of their net profit on CSR activities. Even though the move has increased the CSR spending on bigger scale is evident as per the analysis, the new norm has been criticized by some businessmen. Because of the new law, now Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) also have to take part in the CSR activities which could be an additional burden to their business operation. Also, whether the money spent for CSR activities has been spread evenly without geographic bias still remains a question. People’s buying decision and Investor’s decision also has been slightly led by what the company has contributed to the society apart from generating profit.


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PREM SUNDAR. M, A Study on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Companies Act on Business and Society, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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