Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018


Atal Bihari Dandapat, Sapneswar Behera, Swati Gupta

Abstract :

Multiple births are much more common today than they were in the past. Throughout the world, the prevalence of twin births varies from approximately 2–20 /1000 birth. This delayed childbeå has resulted in an increased maternal age at conception.  Methods: Present study is a randomized prospective study of 80 cases of twin pregnancies admitted at our institute from Jun, 2016 to may, 2018 including all emergency as well as registered cases. Patients included in this study were from various socio–economic classes and they were having a different level of education. In all cases a detailed history was taken, all routine and specific investigations were done.  Results: In this prospective study we observed 80 cases of twin pregnancies. In this study most of the patients (42.5%) delivered at 33– 36 weeks of gestation. 3.7%of patients had abortion at an early gestation. Majority of the patients delivered vaginally (57.5%), followed by LSCS (Lower Segment Caesarean Section) (42.5%). In this study low birth weight babies were the most common (114 babies) to the extent of 71.2%. We had 21.2% (34) extremely low birth weight babies. There were 7 neonatal deaths (4.4%). We observed the highest incidence of twins in the age group of 20 –29 years. The least were below the age of 20 years. As for the incidence of twin pregnancy with regards to the parity, we came across the highest incidence in multi para, the least was being in primigravida. Conclusions: Most of the complications in multiple gestations are preventable. High risk units in the obstetric ward and well developed NICU set up would reduce the maternal, perinatal morbidity and mortality.

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Atal Bihari Dandapat, Sapneswar Behera, Swati Gupta, A STUDY ON FETO-MATERNAL OUTCOME IN TWIN PREGNANCY, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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