Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

A Study on Employee�s Satisfaction and Safety Measures ( With Special Reference to two Wheeler Spare Parts Manufacturing Industry in Chennai )

Dr. J. Sulaiman, M. Alaguthankamani

Abstract :

Safety means freedom from the occurrence of risk of injury. Now a day’s many organization are adopting advance technology. Today employers are obligated to give their employees a safe and secured work environment. The aim of effective safety program in organizations is to prevent work related injuries and accidents. The study is to know the overall welfare of an employee with special preference to Safety and Health programs, at two wheeler spare parts manufacturing industry in Chennai. Surveys are conducted to know how the Safety, Health and Environmental Improvements measures are taken by the industry. The result of this study shows that majority of the employees perceive the present efforts taken by the two wheeler spare parts manufacturing industry in Chennai, on safety measures and work environment is satisfactory.

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Dr.J. Sulaiman, M. Alaguthankamani A Study on Employee�s Satisfaction and Safety Measures ( With Special Reference to two Wheeler Spare Parts Manufacturing Industry in Chennai ) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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