Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study on Employee Retention in Healthcare Sector with Reference Madurai District

Dr. P. Gurusamy, P. R. Kousalya, C. Pramila

Abstract :

 Every management should take steps to satisfy their current respondents and also to encourage them to be happy with their job. So that they can retain their potential respondents for a longer period of time. Here the present study as made attempt to measure the employee expectations and how they feel about their current jobs in Healthcare Sectors. There are many factors influence employee retention such as overall satisfaction, work environment, supervisor relations, training, pay and benefits, communication, equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment, health and Safety, job Satisfaction, Skills enhancement opportunities. These factors can be studied in detail and finally the major findings of the study provide valuable information to the management to take necessary steps to prevent the employee turnover and can achieve more production by fulfilling their expectations

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Dr. P.Gurusamy, P. R. Kousalya, C. Pramila A Study on Employee Retention in Healthcare Sector with Reference Madurai District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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