Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Mr. M. Antonysamy, Dr. T. Kanakaraj

Abstract :

 Emotional Intelligence is the ability to know one’s emotions, recognize feeling as they occur, manage moods, empathize with others and manage relationships. It is a set of abilities essential for the success of an individual.The purpose of imparting quality education is not possible without inculcation of emotional intelligence. A representative sample comprised of 763 prospective teachers in various college of education. The survey method of research is adopted by the investigator. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) based on Danial Goleman’s emotional intelligence model, was constructed by the researcher and it indicated high reliability and validity. This scale was used for measuring emotional intelligence of prospective teachers in colleges of education. Statistical analysis such as percentage analysis, ‘t’values and F–values were calculated.The present study shows that the level of emotional intelligent of prospective teachers in Thoothukudi district is average. This study also found that there is no significant difference in the emotional intelligence and its dimensions such as physical skill, intellectual skill, moral skill, and social skill except personal skill with respect to gender. There is no significant difference among the emotional intelligence–moral skill of the prospective teachers with respect to educational qualification.This research paper is an attempt to find out the emotional intelligence of prospective teachers in Thoothukudi district in terms of gender and educational qualification.

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Mr. M. Antonysamy, Dr.T. Kanakaraj A Study on Emotional Intelligence of ProspectiveTeachers Undergoing B.Ed in Thoothukudi District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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