Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

A Study on Effectivenes of Various Promotional Activites in Attracting and Retaining Customers of More. Supermatkets, Coimbatore

R. Megavannan, M. Srinivasan

Abstract :

The present research is mainly done to find out the effectiveness of the various promotional activites in attracting and retaining customers in more. Supermarkets, Coimbatore. The primary data was collected through a closed ended questionnaire. In this the chi–square method and weighted average method were used for analyzing collected data. This study helps to find out whether it improves the sales by attracting new customers and retaining the existing customers. The objective is to find out customers preference and conception about offers given in more. supermarkets, study on effectiveness of consumer retention strategies, investigate customer awareness and perception towards the advertisement of more. Supermarkets. The study was conducted in more. supermarkets, Coimbatore with 200 samples were collected,. Secondary data was collected through books and website. For the present study the respondents are the customers of more. supermarkets.

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R.MEGAVANNAN, M.SRINIVASAN A Study on Effectivenes of Various Promotional Activites in Attracting and Retaining Customers of More. Supermatkets, Coimbatore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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