Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study on Effect of Poor Self Esteem in Dyslexic Students

Jesna T. J, Dr. Monsy Edward

Abstract :

 A child with Learning Problems Cannot Function Successfully in School without adequate support from his teachers, parents and peers. A. Supportive atmosphere enables the child to believe in himself . This enhances his self esteem. The present study mainly focused on the effect of poor self esteem in Dyslexic children. The  present study mainly focused on the effect of poor self esteem in Dyslexic children. The sample consisted of 20 Dyslexic children from Thrissur District, within the age range of 8 to 14 years. Stratified random sampling method is used to select the samples. The tools used in this study are schonell Graded Spelling and reading test. Grade Level Assessment Device (NIMH), Rosenberg’s Self Esteem Scale. Conduct the pretest using the scales then introduce life skill package. After 21 days conduct post test using the same scale by the investigator. For avoiding bias repeat the same test by another experience hand. Paired  t test was  used to test the significance of the difference between the pre and post test. The result shows that there was a positive correlation between self esteem and achievement

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Jesna T.J. Dr. Monsy Edward A study on effect of poor Self Esteem In Dyslexic Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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