Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

A study on Educational thought’s of Aurobindo Ghosh with relevance to present educational context.

Sambhu Debbarma

Abstract :

 In the present study the researcher makes an attempt to identify Aurobindo Ghosh contribution in the field of education. The study mainly intensifies to relate his contribution in the present context of educational scenario to enhance the effectiveness towards strengthening the good outcome of teaching–learning process. Hence, the researcher has undertaken the study to enable the students with the latest’s new pedagogy of teaching–learning in order to enrich the students with proper knowledge of learning. So the investigator has selected historical method to interpret and analyze the data with the help of secondary resources.

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Sambhu Debbarma, A study on Educational thought¥s of Aurobindo Ghosh with relevance to present educational context., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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