Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

A Study on Customers‘ Perception and Tolerance Level With Regard to Life Insurance Fraud

Ms Dhara Jitendra Chudgar

Abstract :

Fraud risk in insurance is a complex matter, which affects both the parties — insurers as well as policyholders. Both qualitative and quantitative research was used to understand how public attitudes about fraud are formed and what factors influence them. Among the areas explored in the survey include opinions about life insurance fraud and insurance providers. This study also focuses on the moral obligation of the respondents to report fraud and share their experiences of life insurance fraud. It also highlights various reasons which compel people to commit life insurance fraud. A detailed survey of 500 customers was done.

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Ms Dhara Jitendra Chudgar A Study on Customers¥ Perception and Tolerance Level With Regard to Life Insurance Fraud Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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