Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Study on Customer Attitude of Brand Equity and Socio Economic Imbalances of two Wheeler Users in Coimbatore District

Dr. M . Prakash, Dr. M. S Ranjith Kumar

Abstract :

 Two–wheeler is an important product item in modern society both in urban and rural areas. It is one of the  consumer durable products that have become an absolute necessity at the household and the single most  popular form of family using. Consumers mainly purchase the product for their convenience. Gradually it is becoming  more popular in the consumers‘ world and its demand is world– wide (Nuruzzaman, 1996). Consumers’ purchase decisions  for two wheelers are always influenced by a number of factors, which lead them to select a particular and in preference  to others. Further, the growing market size and the entry of many multinational companies have led to heavy competition.  The survival of the fittest is the and that impressed the customer the most. So, it became necessary for the companies  to build their ands and increase their Brand Equity in order to attract new customers and retain their existing customers  especially. Hence, the present study which attempts to study the impact of Brand Equity on the customer retention value is  the need of the hour, since the implications of the study will enable the and managers of each and of two–wheeler to  build a strong and and ultimately leading to retaining their valuable customers.

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DR.M .PRAKASH, DR.M.S RANJITH KUMAR A Study on Customer Attitude of Brand Equity and Socio Economic Imbalances of two Wheeler Users in Coimbatore District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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