Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

A Study on Correlation Between Recurrent Wheezing and Vitamin D Status in Tertiary Care Centre, Bhagalpur.

Dr Brajesh Kumar, Dr Sushil Bhushan, Dr Anil Kumar

Abstract :

 Objective: To investigate correlation between recurrent wheezing and Vitamin D status in infants. Methods: Fifteen infants with recurrent wheezing and Twenty Three healthy, similar aged infants without any history of acute or chronic illness were included in the present study. The clinical features of infants were recorded and serum 25–hydroxyvitamin D[25(OH)D] levels were measured. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 13 package program. Results: The mean value of 25 (OH) D vitamin levels were 22.1 +/_ 8.9 IU/L for the control and recurrent attack group respectively. 73.3%  of subjects with recurrent wheezing had vitamin D levels in the deficient range (<20ng/ml) and 47.8% had vitamin D levels under <20 ng/ml in the control group. The percentage of insufficient vitamin D levels (<30 ng/ml) were 93.3 and 78.2 for the patient and control group respectively. Four patients had extremely deficient vitamin D (<10 ng/ml) levels. There was no statistical significance between the groups in terms of the distribution of 25 (OH) D level. Conclusions: The present study did not demonstrate significant association between vitamin D status and recurrent wheezing in the infants.

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Dr Brajesh Kumar, Dr Sushil Bhushan, Dr Anil Kumar, A Study on Correlation Between Recurrent Wheezing and Vitamin D Status in Tertiary Care Centre, Bhagalpur., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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