Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

A study on Consumers‘ demographic profile influences on online shopping behavior

Patel Vipulkumar Baldevbhai

Abstract :

Online consumer behaviour is a wide and appealing area of study that can grow firms involved in marketing of products and service through new media such as Internet. It is very vital to study that how socio demographic factors of consumers influence the online shopping behavior of consumers. The result of the study assists the online retail organizations in targeting consumers and framing online marketing strategies. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of demographic factors on consumers’ online shopping behaviour. However, examining consumers’ online shopping behavior with reference to demographic variables Indian context is very limited. The results of study of 150 online consumers in Gujarat reveal that there is no significance difference among gender of respondents and online shopping behavior, while respondents belong to different age, income and education behave differently in online shopping. In this study collected data is tested using ANOVA statistical tool.

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PATEL VIPULKUMAR BALDEVBHAI �A study on Consumers¥ demographic profile influences on online shopping behavior� Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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