Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

A Study on Consumers‘ Awareness and Perception About Branded Jewellery

Mrs. C. Gomathy, Dr. Mrs. N. Yesoda Devi

Abstract :

Branded jewellery has gained acceptance forcing traditional jewellers to go in for anding. Branded players such as Tanishq, Jewel One have opened outlets in various parts of the country. However, the share of anded jewellery in the total jewellery market has been still small because of the mindset of the average Indian buyer who still has regarded jewellery as an investment. Moreover, consumers trusted only their family jewellers when buying jewellery. Consequently, the anded jewellery players have tried to change the mindset of the consumers and encourage customers with attractive designs at affordable prices. Hence, a study has been undertaken to find out the consumers awareness and perception about anded jewellery and it is found that, maximum number of consumers is aware of Tanishq and and they have a very good opinion about anded jewellery. Tanishq and is the most preferred and by the consumers and they have opined that, there is some price variation between anded and non anded jewellery

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Mrs. C.Gomathy, Dr. (Mrs.) N. Yesoda Devi A Study on Consumers¥ Awareness and Perception About Branded Jewellery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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