Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

A Study on Biochemical analysis in aquatic fern Azolla microphylla

Mahalingam. P. U, Muniappan. K, Senthilmurugan. G

Abstract :

Azolla is a free floating aquatic fern and ranks among the fastest growing crops on earth and due to its association with the nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria Anabaena azollae. In the present study an attempt was made to study the various biochemical composition in A.microphylla plant sample. A. microphylla (1/2 kg) was taken in plastic container containing 2 Kg of fine red soil, 1 Kg of cow dung and 15 gm of super phosphate in 5 litres of water and the pH was adjusted to 5.0–5.7. The Azolla culture was allowed to grow for a period of 21 days in green house. Various biochemical Compositions such as carbon, nitrogen, sodium, potassium and calcium were analysed using standard procedures. The results revealed that A.microphylla plant sample contains rich of organic carbon (36 ± 0.6 %), organic nitrogen (9.42 ± 0.08) sodium (279.11ppm ± 0.215), potassium (135.38ppm ± 0.040) and calcium (318.70 ppm ±0.933).

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Mahalingam.P.U,Muniappan.K,Senthilmurugan.G A Study on Biochemical analysis in aquatic fern Azolla microphylla Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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