Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013
A Study on Betel Vine Cultivation and Market Crisis in Karur District
V. Kaleeswari, Dr. T. Sridhar
Abstract :
The deep green heart shaped leaves of betel vine are popularly known as Paan in India. The scientific name of betel vine is (Piper – betel Linn). It belongs to the family of piperaceae i.e. the black pepper family. It is cultivated intensively for the sake of its leaves, which are consumed by about 15–20 million people in the country. Betel vine leaves are commonly known as Vettrilai in Tamil. Betel vine leaf is used as, medicine for certain diseases and also used as an antiseptic. During cultivation betel vine is very much affected by diseases and insects that result in great loss for the farmers. It occurs in a very virulent form and if not controlled, causes widespread damage and even total destruction of the entire betel vine plantations. Attempts have been made to study the betel leaves market constraints, factors limiting betel vine cultivation and suggest measures for the promotion of betel vine cultivation of economic importance
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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V. Kaleeswari, Dr. T.Sridhar / A Study on Betel Vine Cultivation and Market Crisis in Karur District / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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V. Kaleeswari, Dr. T.Sridhar / A Study on Betel Vine Cultivation and Market Crisis in Karur District / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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