Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. Mayank Devangan, Dr. Ram Kumar Siddharth, Sushma Ramteke,

Abstract :

 Introduction– Biliary calculus disease is one of the most common disorder affecting gastrointestinal tract. There has been marked rise in the incidence of gallstone disease in the west during past century. In India,it is more common in the North India than in South India. Similarly the incidence in eastern India is higher than western India. Evidence in favour of infection includes isolation of E.Coli, Klebsiella,streptococcus from the gallbladder and from the centre of gallstones.This was more common in own stones rather than cholesterol or own stones. Brown pigment gallstones occur as a result of infection .Bacteria are found with in calcium bilirubinate and protein matrix of own pigment gallstones. Material And Method– Patients admitted to Department of Surgery, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Medical Hospital, which is attached to Pt. J. N. M Medical college, Raipur with diagnosis of Gallstone disease for open and laproscopic cholecystectomy were taken for this prospective study from January 2013 to October 2014. Detailed history of every patient with special emphasis on pain in right hypochondrium ,nausea ,vomiting ,fever ,and jaundice were taken.Complete physical examination done ,and the findings of each patient entered in the standard proforma. Culture was carried for aerobic gram positive and Gram negative bacteria only using recommended culture media. Histopathological examination of gallbladder was performed to confirm diagnosis. Result– In present series the age maximum patient was found in age group of 41–50 years (28%).The youngest patient was 25 yr old and oldest was 68 yr old . Bile culture was positive in 12 female patient out of 37 and 3 male patient out of 13. Male patient comprises of 23.07 %and female of 32.4%. Gall stone culture was positive in 10 cases out of 50 (20%),of which maximum were in age group of 51–60 ,4/11(36.3%). The most common organism isolated from gallstone was E.coli. The histopathology report was suggestive of chronic cholecystitis in all the cases. Conclusion– Culture of organism from gallstone need to be necessary and correlating of it with culture of micro–organism of that of bile

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Dr. Mayank Devangan, Dr. Ram Kumar Siddharth, Sushma Ramteke, A Study on Bacteriological Profile of Bile And Gallstone on Adult Patient of Cholelithiasis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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