Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2017

A study on Autonomic Dysfunction in Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver

Dr. E. Kandasamy Alias Kumar, Dr. A. Aravind

Abstract :

 This study was conducted  to investigate autonomic Dysfunctions in patients with cirrhosis of liver with varied etiology, and to determinethe relationship between severity of liver damage and extentof autonomic function impairment. The present study included 40 patients with Cirrhosis  and 40 age and sex matched controls. All the patients and the controls were subjectedto a battery of five standard autonomic function tests. (Valsalva ratio, HR response to deep eathing, Heart rate response to standing, BP response to standing & BP response to sustained hand Grip).Eighty percent (32) of patients with Cirrhosis were foundto have evidence of autonomic Dysfunction. Of these, six (15%)patients had early parasympathetic damage, ten (25%) had definiteparasympathetic damage, and sixteen (40%) had combined (both parasympathetic and sympathetic) damage. Eighteen (90%) ofthe alcoholics and fourteen (70%) of the non–alcoholics had autonomicdysfunction. Autonomic dysfunctionwas significantly abnormal in advanced liver disease comparedwith early liver damage. Light headedness on standingwas the most common symptom of autonomic dysfunction which was more frequently observed in cirrhotics compared withcontrols.Therewas no significant association between symptoms ofautonomic dysfunction and objective evidence of autonomic damageSympathetic dysfunctionalone. was  noted in none of our patients.In this study parasympathetic damage was always found in association with an evidence of sympathetic damage.Autonomic dysfunction was found to be proportional to the severity of cirrhosis. 

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Dr.E.Kandasamy alias kumar, Dr.A.Aravind, A study on Autonomic Dysfunction in Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾2 | February‾2017

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