Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017


Dr. K Sri Tanaya, Dr. Jyothi Singamsetty, Dr. M Ravi Kiran, Dr. N. Partha Sarathy

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND: Prevention and treatment of fetal asphyxia is one of the main aims of perinatal care. Intrapartum events account for 20% of still births, 20–40% of Cereal palsy & 10% of severe mental retardation.So, it is necessary to identify the mother who is genuinely “low risk” but develops intrapartum hypoxia, So that proper allocation of available resources and man power could be done. Admission test (A.T.)  is one such non–invasive technique by which a short 15–20 minutes external electronic fetal monitoring on admission in early labour can be used as a screening test to identify a sub group of fetuses with hypoxia present on admission or those who were likely to become hypoxic in the next few hours of labour. So, the present study was conducted with aim to correlate the results of admission test with APGAR score and mode of delivery in relation to admission test. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To prove the efficacy of admission test in prediction of fetal jeopardy in utero in early labour and its application in improving fetal outcome. This randomized prospective study was carried out in 100 patients attending to ASRAM Hospital, Eluru. This study was conducted over a period of 6 months from Mar –2013 to Aug 2013. RESULTS: Out of 100 patients 57% belong to 21–25 yrs, 32% belong to 16–20 years and the rest 11% is above 25 years. Majority of cases in the study population were Primigravidae (59%). AT was reactive in 42% of women of age group 21–25yr. AT was equivocal in 25% of women of age group 16–20yr. AT Was 18.8% Non–reactive in women of age group >25 years. CONCLUSION: The test is good at predicting the fetus that does not require acute or premature obstetric intervention. In conclusion, it can be implied that “Admission test” is a simple reliable and non– Invasive method to screen large number of patients in busy hospitals.

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Dr. K Sri Tanaya, Dr. Jyothi Singamsetty, Dr. M Ravi Kiran, Dr. N. Partha Sarathy, A STUDY ON ADMISSION TEST AND MODE OF DELIVERY OF FOETUS DURING LABOUR, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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