Volume : I, Issue : VI, March - 2012

A Study On Achievement In Mathematics of IXth Standard Students in Relation to Locus of Control and Test Anxiety

Dr. N . Rajashekara, Prathima , Narayana Swamy

Abstract :

Mathematics is one of the important cultural components of every modern society. Its influence on the cultural elements has been as fundamental and widespread as to the warrant this statement that is most modern ways of life would hardly have been possible without mathematics. Educational objectives are determined by the needs of the learners, the demands of the society and the psychology of learning. These objectives of the physical, social and emotional qualities in the student are assessed through achievement in mathematics. The achievement in mathematics is much influenced by locus of control and test anxiety towards the development of the child must be positive. The study conclude that, there is a significant relationship between achievement in mathematics & Locus of control, test anxiety among IX standard students. Thus the teachers need to understand the difficulties facing by the children and try do care full plan for overcome those obstacles facing by the children.

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Dr. N .Rajashekara, Prathima , Narayana Swamy A Study On Achievement In Mathematics of IXth Standard Students in Relation to Locus of Control and Test Anxiety Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI March 2012

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