Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Study of Thermodynamic (Cylinder–Piston) Model Energy Production By Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) (Case Study of Lake Orumiyeh)

Afshar. Alihosseini, Esmaiel . Alikhani, Narjes Sadat Karbalaie Ghomi

Abstract :

The renewable energies are infinite sources of energy that, unlike fossil fuels, have no environmental problems; therefore, interest in such sources is increasingly growing in recent years. In this study, we have studied the thermodynamic model for production of osmotic energy through the Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) and its dominant equations. The thermodynamic cylinder-piston model was utilized for calculation of the produced work. Through this model we have investigated the possibility of producing osmotic energy from waters of Lake Orumiyeh and the rivers entering it, in order to decide about establishment of an osmotic power plant in Iran. The results indicated that the amount of osmotic energy attained from mixture of Lake Orumiyeh water with that of its rivers, respectively with different concentrations of 320 gram/lit (5641.042 mol/m3) and 1 gram/lit (17.1 mol/m3), is -15.5487 mega-Joules per one cubic meter of mixed water. Therefore, the Pressure Retarded Osmosis confirmed that economically it is a method comparable with other methods of energy production.

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Afshar. Alihosseini, Esmaiel .Alikhani, Narjes-Sadat Karbalaie-Ghomi A Study of Thermodynamic (Cylinder-Piston) Model Energy Production By Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) (Case Study of Lake Orumiyeh) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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