Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

A Study of The Morphometry of The Liver

Dr Sangeeta. M, Dr Varalakshmi K. L, Miss Shilpa Naik

Abstract :

Anomalies of the hepatic morphology are often overlooked. Nevertheless knowledge of these anomalies is important since all may not remain clinically latent. Excessive development of liver may lead to the formation of accessory lobes. These may mimic tumors’ also. Atrophy of left lobe can lead to gastric volvolus and right lobe atrophy can lead to portal hypertension. This study was carried out in 70 formalin fixed livers to note the dimensions shape, presense of accessory lobes and fissures, impressions etc. .This study may be useful for surgeons and radiologists in interpreting the images better to prevent subsequent misdiagnosis.

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DR SANGEETA.M, DR VARALAKSHMI K.L, MISS SHILPA NAIK A Study of The Morphometry of The Liver Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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