Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

A study of the efficacy of Digital lectures for learning gross anatomy

Dr. Shruti Mamidwar, Dr. Abhilasha M. Vahane

Abstract :


The current study investigates the level of students’ learning and attitudes towards the teaching and learning process when using digital lectures to teach gross anatomy to year 1 medical students.

Methodology: The study sampled year 1 medical students of cohorts 2015 and 2016. The year 1 medical students in 2015 were taught gross anatomy of the heart by didactic classroom lectures while those in 2016 were taught with digital lectures using the same content. A review session was conducted for the 2016 cohort. A 19–item survey was distributed amongst students to investigate their attitudes and feedback. The data were analysed using SPSS

Results: The 2015 cohort had a mean score of 47.65 for short essay questions and 51.19 for multiple choice questions, while the 2016 cohort scored an average of 36.80 for short essay questions and 49.22 for multiple choice questions. The difference in scores for each type of question was found to be significant. Using a 5–point Likert scale, students gave an average of 4.11 when asked if they liked the teaching and learning process and would like it to be applied further.

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Dr. Shruti Mamidwar, Dr. Abhilasha M. Vahane, A study of the efficacy of Digital lectures for learning gross anatomy, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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