Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

A Study of the Effectiveness of Methodology of Teaching Environmental Education on Student Teachers

Dr. Rakesh Ranjan, Ms. Amita Unnikrishnan

Abstract :

Whether it is for need or greed, the environment bears the unt of the mindless misuse and abuse of its resources. The student community needs to be sensitized towards the irreversible damage being caused to the environment and the ways and means to prevent them. Acquiring and transmitting the requisite knowledge, skills, attitude and values can arrest environmental degradation. The role of the teachers and teacher educators has become paramount in such a situation. Hence, the investigators made an attempt to study the effectiveness of methodology of teaching environmental education on student teachers.

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Dr. Rakesh Ranjan, Ms. Amita Unnikrishnan A Study of the Effectiveness of Methodology of Teaching Environmental Education on Student Teachers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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