Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

A Study of the Attachments of human Brachialis Muscle

Shalini Chaudhary

Abstract :

 Anatomy of human Brachialis muscle has been studied previously by different authors in Australian ,Caucasian, Chinese and Thai population. Present study was aimed to describe gross morphology and nerve supply of achialis muscle and to elucidate racial differences between Indian and other population .40 upper limbs of twenty embalmed Indian cadavers were dissected. In all specimens , the achialis had 2 heads , superficial and deep. The larger , superficial head had more proximal origin and distal insertion than deep head. In all specimens, achialis was supplied by musculocutaneous nerve while only 70% (28/40) cases received anch from radial nerve. Aforementioned results in Indian population are different from previous studies in some aspects reported in other populations. These anatomical facts are important for humeral surgery including both anterior and anterolateral approaches especially for orthopedic intervention on the Indian population

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Shalini Chaudhary A Study of the Attachments of human Brachialis Muscle Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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