Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Study of Teenage Pregnancies in Rural Area

Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Rahul Gite

Abstract :

Background: Teenage pregnant girls are vulnerable sections of society. Aims and objectives: To study the socio–demographic characteristics and complications of the teenage pregnancies. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the service area under the PHC having an approximate population of 45000 with a duration of 6 months and a total of 412 registered pregnancies were studied. Results : The prevalence of teenage pregnancy in the study was found to be 19.9% with majority i.e. 59.75% Hindus, 43.9% illiterates and 56.1% belonging to lower socio–economic status. 48.78% belonged to joint family. 17.07% teenage mothers did some productive work. The prevalence of anemia was found to be 52.44% and pre–eclampsia 17.07%. 34.14% delivered a LBW baby. Conclusions: Nearly one fifth of pregnancies occur in teenage women, who have significantly higher rates of complications.

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Pranay Gandhi, Sunita Sharma, Rahul Gite A Study of Teenage Pregnancies in Rural Area Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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