Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study of Teacher's Motivation of Teachers in Relation To Certain Factors

Dr. K. Sekhar, Dr. B. Yella Reddy, Dr. T. I. Nagarjuna

Abstract :

 The fundamental nature of the process of education also continues unchanged throughout although as a person matures and is called upon to operate at higher conceptual levels and to cope with even new and complex. Situations, he has to adopt highly sophisticated techniques of learning. The main objective of the present study is to study the influence of management, locality and qualification on the teachers motivation of teachers. Teachers motivation questionnaire was developed by Lakshmi Narayana, U. (2005) was adopted. A sample of 160 teachers representing all categories of schools is selected in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh by following the standardized procedures. ‘t’ – test and ANOVA (‘F’ – test) were employed for analysis of the data. Management, locality and qualification have significant influence on the teacher’s motivation of the teachers.

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"Dr. K. Sekhar, Dr. B. Yella Reddy, Dr. T. I. Nagarjuna A Study of Teacher’s Motivation of Teachers in Relation To Certain Factors Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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