Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

A Study of Styles of Learning and Thinking in Relation to Emotional Adjustment of High School Level Students

Dr. Rajeshwari Garg

Abstract :

 This study attempted to find out the relationship and significance of difference between Emotional Adjustment and learning–thinking style of secondary school students. The study was delimited to class IXth students only. The purpose of present study was to see whether there is a relationship between Emotional Adjustment and learning–thinking style of secondary school students or not. Normative Survey method was applied for conduction of the study. Results indicated there was no significant influence of Style of Learning and Thinking on Emotional Adjustment of the students. The population for the research includes English medium students of secondary class of different area.600 students was selected as sample for the study. Three way ANOVA statistical method is used for the results and interpretation .SOLAT test by D.Venkatraman for styles of Learning and Thinking and Adjustment scale by A.K.P Sinha and R.P Sing were employed for data collection..

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Dr. RAJESHWARI GARG, A Study of Styles of Learning and Thinking in Relation to Emotional Adjustment of High School Level Students,. INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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