Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

A study of sexual dysfunction involving risperidone

Dr. Anupama K, Dr. R. Soma Sundara Babu

Abstract :

 Background: sexual dysfunction has been a major problem with newer antipsychotics. There are only a few studies that have compared different atypical antipsychotic agents regarding sexual dysfunction. We have not come across any data in this area on Indian population. Aims: To determine the frequency of sexual dysfunction associated with risperidone, among patients with clinically stable schizophrenia. Settings and Design: It is a hospital–based study. The subjects were recruited for the study by the purposive sampling technique. Materials and Methods: Sample consisting of 25 in the risperidone group, 30 healthy volunteers. A Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (SFQ) were administered. The Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the variables in the demographic data and the mean chlorpromazine equivalent doses of the study groups. To analyze the sexual dysfunction, the mean scores on all the domains of sexual functioning in SFQ were compared across the study groups using the Chi square test, for proportions. Results and Conclusion: Twenty–three percent of the healthy volunteers had some impairment in one or more domains of sexual functioning. For the medication group this was 96 for risperidone,.

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Dr. Anupama K, Dr. R. Soma Sundara Babu A Study of Sexual Dysfunction Involving Risperidone Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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