Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

A Study of Self Concept of Normal and Hearing Impaired Students

Mrs. B. Jyostna Devi, Dr. T. G. Amuthavalli

Abstract :

The investigation is humble effort to examine self concept of normal and heå impaired students. This problem has sociological, psychological and educational significance. The research was conducted on a target population of 100 students from VIII and IX class of chittoor district. A random sampling was used for the study of difference between normal and heå impaired children. The researcher found that normal students are having high self concept than the heå impaired children.

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Mrs.B.JYOSTNA DEVI, Dr.T.G.AMUTHAVALLI A Study of Self Concept of Normal and Hearing Impaired Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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