Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

A Study of Renewable Energy Systems in India

Maneesh Kumar, Radhika

Abstract :

In today’s date, India is a large consumer of fossil fuel such as coal, crude oil etc. The rapid increase in use of Non renewable energies such as fossil fuel, oil, natural gas has created problems of demand & supply. Because of which, the future of Non renewable energies is becoming uncertain. Also India has had a negative Energy Balance for decades, which has resulted in the need to purchase energy from outside the country to fulfill the needs of the entire country. Even though, The Ministry of Power has set an agenda of providing Power to All by 2012. This makes everyone to think, how this will be going to happen? The answer found is presented in this paper called “Renewable Energy Sources – Policies of India”

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Maneesh Kumard, Radhika A Study of Renewable Energy Systems in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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