Volume : X, Issue : IV, April - 2020


Col Dr V Pavithra, Brig Dr Arun Tyagi, Col Dr Saibal Adhya, Brig A. K. Shrivastava

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION Improper nutrition during childhood can have long lasting consequences on health, schooling and later on, productivity as national resource. India faces the double burden of overnutrition and undernutrition in the community. Keeping the importance of nutrition among children and adolescents in mind, this study was conducted to assess the nutritional status among school children in northern India. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To determine the Body Mass Index (BMI) among school children from 5 to 18 years of age, to measure mid upper arm circumference and skin fold thickness (Triceps, Biceps, Subscapular, Supra–iliac) and to compare BMI and skin fold thickness with weight and their correlation. RESULTS The anthropometric data was collected from 2997 children studying in various schools of the cantonment. The prevalence of underweight among the children in the present study was 4.7% among the females and 7% among the males and that of stunting among the children was 4.3% among the females and 3.0% among the males. The prevalence of overweight was 0.4% among the females and 0.4% among the males. RECOMMENDATION The mothers and healthcare personnel should be sensitized to the problem of malnutrition for timely intervention. A multi–centric study needs to be carried out amongst healthy children to set reference standards for children of various ethnic groups and geographic locations in the country.

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A STUDY OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN IN NORTHERN INDIA, Col (Dr) V Pavithra, Brig (Dr) Arun Tyagi, Col (Dr) Saibal Adhya, Brig A.K. Shrivastava INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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