Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Akshey Batta, P. C. Attri, Pranab Jain, Zubair Rashid, Syamantak Srivastava, Neeta Chaudhary

Abstract :

 T Background: Breast lump is the most common complaint of women presenting to surgical opd. Although most of them are benign, careful evaluation, exact diagnosis and definite treatment is mandatory to rule out cancer. Young women are conventionally evaluated by triple test score which consists of clinical east examination, radiology and cytology/histopathology. The sensitivity of mammography is low in young east owing to its increased glandular component. Ultrasonography can be used for evaluation and diagnosis of such east lumps with sensitivity and specificity more than 80%. Methods: This study evaluated the efficacy of ultrasound instead of mammography in the conventional ‘triple test score’ for diagnosis of palpable east lumps in young women and compare the result with open biopsy.100 females with east masses, of the age group 16 to 78 years were selected randomly and assessed by clinical east examination, high resolution ultrasonography of both easts and fine needle aspiration biopsy to calculate a ‘modified triple test score’. The ‘modified’ score was calculated by assigning score 1 for benign, score 2 for suspicious and score 3 for malignant results in each component and adding them up. All the masses were thereafter evaluated by open biopsy with consent. Score of 4 or less is interpreted as benign, 5 as inconclusive/equivocal, 6 or more as malignant in Modified Triple Test Score . Results The modified triple test score was calculated for all the cases. 64 out of 100 cases had score less than 4.All the cases with score 4 or less than 4 were found benign on FNAC and final diagnosis. There were 12 cases which had score of 5 . Of these 12 cases 7 were found benign and and 5 were malignant. There were 26 cases which had score of 7 and more all these cases were found malignant on the final diagnosis. Conclusion: Our study studied the results of score Points along with the final histopathology of the respective patient. Breast masses with a MTTS of 7 or more points were accurately diagnosed as malignant, thus a score of 7 or more points can proceed to definitive therapy, masses scoring 4 or less points were all benign could be safely observed and masses scoring 5 points need further evaluation with clinical examination and open biopsy. The MTTS is as accurate as conventional TTS in evaluation of east masses in Young females and can avoid unnecessary evaluation. The score was particularly found to be useful for evaluation and analysis of east lumps in young females.

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Akshey Batta, P.C. Attri, Pranab Jain, Zubair Rashid, Syamantak Srivastava, Neeta Chaudhary A STUDY OF MODIFIED TRIPLE TEST SCORE FOR ASSESSMENT OF PALPABLE BREAST MASSES IN FEMALES IN WESTERN U.P. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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