Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

A Study of Mental Health in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Personality Factors of 10th Class Students

Satinder Kaur, Dr. Ram Niwas

Abstract :

Present study was conducted to find out relationships of mental health with emotional intelligence and personality factors– neuroticism and extroversion. Six hundred 10th class students were selected from six districts of Punjab. Mental Health Scale by Rai(1994), Emotional Intelligence by Rai (2006) and Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality Inventory (M.P.I) by Jalota and Kapoor (1975) were used to collect data. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to calculate relationships. Present study reveals that positive and high correlation exists between mental health and emotional intelligence. High and positive correlation was found between mental health and personality factor extroversion. But high and negative correlation was found between mental health and personality factors neuroticism. This study suggested that extroversion personality and emotional intelligence should be cultivated in classroom to develop sound mental health of students.

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Satinder Kaur, Dr. Ram Niwas A Study of Mental Health in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Personality Factors of 10th Class Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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