Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2019


Dr. Mahananda S Melkundi, Dr Gayatri G Bawagi, Dr Rameshwari Malshetty

Abstract :

AIM – to study the maternal and perinatal outcome of twin gestation. METHODS–an observational study was conducted at basweshwar and sangmeshwar teaching and general hospital attached to Mahadevappa Rampure medical college,kalaburgi between april 2016– march 2017,including 50 cases of twin gestation>28weeks . RESULTS–Of the 50 cases(0.71%)included, 42 (84.0%) cases belongs to Dichorionic diamiotic, mean maternal age 24.33±2.86 yrs.Most spontaneously conceived.Preterm labor, anaemia and hypertensive disorders were most frequently encountered maternal complications with no maternal deaths in the study. Most twin delivered at 36.57 ± 2.57 weeks. Higher rate of LSCS(59.2%) was seen.Prematurity and low birth weight were the main reasons for admission to NICU frequently. The overall perinatal mortality in this study 6.2%. CONCLUSION– multifetal pregnancies are at high risk for both mother and fetuses and need early detection, regular antenatal care and a planned management for a better outcome.

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A STUDY OF MATERNAL AND PERINATAL OUTCOME IN TWIN GESTATION, Dr.Mahananda S Melkundi, Dr Gayatri G Bawagi, Dr Rameshwari Malshetty INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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