Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017


Dr. Kirti Shrivas, Dr. Abhideep Tiwari

Abstract :

 M–commerce means substitute of goods in excess of the internet through the use of mobile phones or m–commerce is about the explosion of applications and services that are becoming accessible from internet enabled mobile devices it involves new technologies, services and business  models. The object of this paper is to focus m–commerce status in India and also find out future direction of m–commerce .The significant growth of m–commerce application is remarkable in India. In present situation the numbers of users has increase on mobile phone and consuming huge bandwidth of mobile internet providers. Through this paper identify the issue for the future growth of E–commerce trend M–commerce with its present volume transaction in India, and identify critical challenges of m– commerce would become for present scenario in India. 

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Dr.Kirti Shrivas, Dr.Abhideep Tiwari, A STUDY OF M–COMMERCE IN INDIA, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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